Select the correct answer:

1. Name the person who was appointed as the ambassador on behalf of India to work for the
cause of gender equality and progress of women in UNO for the year 2016

2. What is the name of Ganga river cleaning scheme?

3. The INSAT-3DR was launched through rocket for Metereological Research 8th September, 2016 by which rocket?

4. Who won the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Rathna Award for Badminton in the year 2016?

5. Which year has been declared by UNO as the 'International Year of Pulses'?

6. Match the following:
Part-I Part- II
(a) Raj Bhavan 1. President
(b) Rastrapathy Bhavan 2. Governor
(c) Impeachment 3. Union Territories
(d) Lt. Governor 4. Violation of the Constitution
(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. The election process at the state level is supervised by

8. Find out the correct statement.
The Indian Constitution contains

9. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

10. Which of the following is correctly matched?

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